Official Nicequest Description
You need a personal invitation to register for Nicequest and earn gifts in exchange for your opinion. You can get your own through contests on our social networks.
We only invite users who meet the profile that we need at any given time. Thus, we ensure that all surveys receive varied opinions and we can create reliable statistics.
Mary Poling
Mar 9, 2019
Nicequest starts you out with bonus shells and a couple of surveys, enough to cash out on a small prize. Prizes are very affordable and they do pay, I’ve cashed out twice in just 5 weeks. I only wish they offered more surveys, I’m lucky to get 1 or 2 a month. But hey, you do get free products with free shipping. Fun, little app.
Denise Smith
Sep 21, 2017
I really like nicequest. I was able to cash out pretty. Uick and the surveys are easy and quick