Generally speaking, paid surveys are not a scam. There are many legitimate paid survey sites that let you supplement your income with cash and other rewards simply for sharing your opinion.

As with most industries, sometimes it can be difficult to tell the reputable players from the other guys. Here are three of the more obvious signs of a bad paid survey site:

  1. Large Payouts — Taking a survey doesn’t pay like winning the lottery. Be on the lookout for lavish rewards and huge sweepstakes.

  2. Upfront Costs — It shouldn’t cost money to join a paid survey site. If a survey site asks you to pay, chances are it’s a scam.

  3. No Privacy Policy — Make sure the site has a clear privacy policy that explains how they plan to use your information.

Trust your instincts and do your research. Don’t share your personal information with anyone unless you’re 100% comfortable.

To help put you at ease, read on and see why you shouldn’t worry about your privacy when joining a paid survey site.

Robert Fleming
Written By
Robert Fleming

Robert Fleming is a 20-year veteran of the market research industry and now serves as co-CEO of Paid Survey Update which he co-founded in 2015. He resides in Myrtle Beach.