Earning money takes time and effort, but how much effort is up to you. If you can commit to doing a few surveys a day, you should be able to earn at least $100 a month. Spend even more time and you might be able to earn 10 times that.
On average, you can expect to earn anywhere from $0.50 to $5.00 per survey depending on how many questions there, how detailed the questions are, and how hard it is to find qualified people to take it.
For example, a short survey intended for any male under 60 years old will pay less than a survey for a more specific audience such as 18 to 25 year old female NFL fans.
If you’re looking to get beyond $300 to $500 per in month earnings, you’ll have to go beyond surveys. Search for surveys for money sites that also offer focus groups and in-home product testing. Though less frequent, these can pay as much as $50 a pop.
Importantly, paid surveys don’t always pay you in cash. Read on to learn about some of the most common rewards and payment options you’ll encounter.